
In order to ensure a firm grounding in the modalities offered at CHI, we recommend beginning your course of trainings with one or more of these foundational offerings. Somatic Imagery training provides the basic underpinnings in how to access right-brain unconscious processes through imagery techniques grounded in the entire somatic experience. Trauma Treatment and Practical Neuroscience, present the neurobiological principles underlying the effectiveness of right-brain methods. Mindfulness training complements and deepens all of our other right brain methods and can be oriented toward personal use or to therapeutic work with clients.

Trauma Treatment: What Works and Why
October 27, 2017
Cynthia Margolies
5.5 $185*
Practical Neuroscience for Therapists
To be determined
Cynthia Margolies
6.5 $160
* A late registration fee of $25 has been added. (Course begins in less than 2 weeks).